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Diablo III

I have recently been playing Diablo III : what can i say, I fell in love with it!

I have chosen a Demon hunter as she is the closest thing to being an archer and she is like "Vayne" from League of Legends, which i loved.I was always into mages and would always and i mean always play as a mage, however one day in WOW (World of Warcraft) i said to myself "lets try a new character" , I chose a "hunter" and I asked myself "why was i a mage all this time???" Hunters are the best, they have amazing pets and they are OP (OverPowered) so you can kick peoples butts. ;) In Diablo III you also get a companion, i currently have a spider. I can not wait to get to max level!
Isn't he a cutie ;) Sorry if you have a fear of spiders, I don't really like bugs myself, but as he is on my side i will let this one slide :)

Sorry for the terrible screenshot, but that's my character. Yes I am still a noobie :3. Look at this fashion disaster but i have to say my two hand crossbows makes me look like a badass ;). Anyway latter on in a game you will get better gear and the best thing you will be able to do is customize it! By customizing i mean;you will be able to dye your gear and change its appearance, Isn't that awesome! You can also do it early in a game but there is no point as you will always get better gear until you reach max level, even then you change your gear depending on the build you go with.

I started playing in a "story mode" but i felt like i wasn't enjoying the game as much as i would playing in  "adventure mode", so i have changed it and I am loving it! Adventure mode is basically made  of bounty's, rifts and once you are max level, greater rifts. When you're max level you can go on leader boards for the whole world to see and become the very best (that no one ever was :p ).

I was lucky enough to catch a goblin and open a portal to a different dimension known as "cow level"(what a name). It was full of teddies, unicorns, flowers, presents and rainbows. Sounds great right? Noo because the cute creatures attacked you and you have to kill them :( How could cute things be so cruel??? ha ha However i got quite good gear out of it i think i got 3 legendary items, but i was sad because i wish i could of done it when i was max level, as then i might of got better gear to benefit me to climb great rifts.

After i reach max level on my demon hunter i might create one Hardcore character which the though of always terrifies me! Why?.. because if i make a silly mistake my character will die and never come back :( . I don't know about you but once i make a charterer i get really attached to it and i want the best things for it and i want it to be the best of the best!So my character dying isn't ideal.

The game is quite costly but Blizzard games tend to be. The reason why Blizzard games are quite pricey is because they will last you a life time, good quality and fun to play!

I done this blog today to share the game i am currently playing and really enjoying it so far!
I hope some of you will enjoy reading it, if not i am sorry :(

I would like you to let me know what games are you currently playing?

Have you played Diablo III? What did you think of Diablo III?

What is your favorite game of all time?

Thank you for reading <3


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