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American Horror Stories

I have always wanted to start the series but whenever I used to watch it, I would be interrupted and could never seem to be able to get the first episode done. I am a big horror fan and I knew the series is good, so I needed to make some free time and watch it.

I packed myself with snacks and started watching the series. It is an anthology of 4 series (so far).Of course I didn't watch all 4 series in one day but if I could I would of J

The first season is about a haunted house. I have to say it was my least likable season. The story follows a family of 3 moves from Boston to Los Angeles to recover form past anguish. With no knowledge that the house is haunted by demonic creatures, they prepare to have a fresh start. The house has its history for not only scaring the residence but also devouring them. The ghosts show themselves as normal human beings but are unable to escape the house. They lead the owners into believing that they are real humans and make friends with them. However all the residence who live there have died and can never escape the fate. Therefore leaving the Harmons family to die. The daughter commits suicide by overdose. The Mother by childbirth and the offspring through cot death (the twin survives but is kidnapped). And finally the husband through hanging, forced upon by one of the vengeful ghosts. 

The second season- is about an insane asylum. It is set in 1964, the "Asylum" series digs into the dark pasts of the hospital's patients, doctors and administrators. Main character Sister Jude, a troubled nun, quickly finds herself at odds with the twisted Arthur Arden, a doctor with a penchant for experimental procedures. The story involves a journalist entering the Asylum for research. After only one return she is held there for being homosexual as this was considered a curable mental illness in the late 50/60's.I liked the second season but I was unsure about the aliens, I feel like the season was good enough without it, but that is only my opinion. Last but not least it had “Zachary Quinto” in which I love from “heroes” so it was a good season.

The third season (my second favourite)- is about  a witch coven. The witches who manage to escape the horrible history over 300 years ago are facing extinctions. Many mysterious attacks and killings have been happening against their kind and to ensure safety young witches are sent to which coven. They are being trained and prepared to become the next supreme and to protect themselves against harm. The old supreme is distressed as she does not want to die and give up her title, she comes back to witch coven and is determined to protect the coven and her title by destroying anyone who get in her way. The reason why I love this is the idea that witchcraft is real and the plot twist kept it exiting. It was definitely enjoyable to watch.

The fourth (my top favourite) season- is about a freak show. It is set in 1952 at a quiet, sleepy hamlet of Jupiter, Florida. A troupe of curiosities has just arrived to town, coinciding with the strange emergence of a dark entity that savagely threatens the lives of townsfolk and freaks alike. This is the story of the performers and their desperate journey of survival amidst the dying world of the American carny experience. It has great character development and you can feel the emotions which gets you into the series even more. The reason why this was my favourite is to see how people were treated back in 50’s and called freaks where now they are seen as normal. Also it has dark twist and engaging story.

Having watched all the season my favourite cast members were.

Jessica Lange-She is an amazing actress. She truly is incredible, I loved watching her, every character she was given to play she played it perfectly! She is 65 and she is incredibly good looking, and her figure is exceptional. I absolutely love her as an actress; I don’t know what else to say apart from “you go girl” (lol)  ;)  <3

Zachary Quinto-amazing actor! It might be because I like him from the series “heroes” but in season 2 I was so happy to see him. He played Dr. Thredson as a trained psychiatrist with higher than average intellect. He was the “Bloody Face Killer” but made “Kit” believe that In fact it was Kit was the real killer. I feel like I cannot accurately judge his role, as I am a fan girl ha ha <3

Make sure to leave a comment J

Have you seen American horror stories?

What did you think?

Who is your favourite Character and which season did you prefer?

Thank you for reading <3


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