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The Breakfast Club

I have mentioned in my previous blog that I will be doing a “250 Reddit movie challenge” and I have watched “The breakfast club” so for any of you who have not seen it, I will let you know what it is about. J(Because I am nice like that ha-ha)

 The story line follows five high school students, all different stereotypes,( Brain, an Athlete, a Basket Case, a Princess, and a Criminal) meet in detention, where they pour their hearts out to each other, and discover how they have a lot more in common than they thought.

I have chosen to watch the movie because I heard so much about it and to be honest with all of you I thought it will be really bad.The reason for this is because in most cases when you hear so much good things about a movie, you expect a masterpiece and you are left disappointed. However in this case the movie was amazing! The reason why I really loved the movie was that all the “teen” characters were sharing a great resembles to people we knew in high school. The geek, the jock, the outcast, the rich “pretty-girl” and the future criminal. They all exist, to some degree or another, in the classrooms of every high school on the continent.

I also feel that the character development was done flawlessly. The characters change and never remain the same or what you may think they would be. It is unknown what they will be after the film and that adds to the drama. I feel like the most important scene in the film was when they all opened up to each other; describing the hell that their daily school routines are in a personal fashion. They let the viewer’s understand how each stereotype feels and how they need to portray an image and they cannot escape from it.

I feel like each character was amazing. However “John bender” was incredible. He seemed to put his heart and soul into the character and you could really see it. However my favourite character was “Brain Johnson”.
Brain Johnson- The”geek” I feel like I could really relate to the character the most, as in high school I was “ the geek” . I felt sorry when he was hoping that all the characters could be friends but he soon was told that it would be impossible.

At the end of the film, the viewers are left to make their own conclusions as to how things will carry forth. And I'm sure that most people will do that. This is one movie that left me feeling both happy and sad for each of the characters. Even if you aren't a fan of the 80's genre, this isn't one you would want to miss.

Thank you for reading <3


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