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Avengers: Age of Ultron - Trailer 3 Omg!!!

I was awaken today by my boyfriend’s excitement scream. Being a nerd of comic books and movie genre he ordered me to watch a new avenger’s trailer (although I didn’t need to be forced to watch it as I am as big of a nerd as he is) and it was amazing!

One of my favourite parts in the trailer has to be when Thor shouts at Ultron, saying "is that all you got" and in retaliation Ultron smirks...and well this photo says it all really. Oh let's not forget the teaser at the end of the trailer of vision this movie is going to be awesome and I know I will be watching it on May the 1st!
My favourite hero is captain America. I feel like a lot of you will be like “oh nooo you suck for liking him”. But he is awesome!! If we had to conclude Marvel and DC it would be Superman, which reminds me this movie will suffice my superheroes needs until Batman v Superman: Dawn of Justice. Anyway back to Captain America, he is one of the purest, most honourable, most noble and most altruistic hero. He also never compromises his morals and he never gives up. Not to forget he is handsome as hell I love him <3.Who wouldn’t want a man like him in their life ;)
Favourite movie Captain America: The Winter Solder. I her you ask why? Well because it had great action scenes and the good guys turned out to be bad guys and turn the whole Marvel universe upside down.

If you haven’t seen the trailer yet, watch it! I promise you, you will love it <3

Will you be going to see the movie on 1st of May?

Who is your favourite hero form Marvel universe?

Thank you for reading <3


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