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It was 3 years ago when I first watched it and not long ago I re-watched it, but I wanted to share my experience as the new series are coming out and my love for “Syler”.Enjoy <3
The storyline follows people all over United States gain power and they don’t have any knowledge of how they develop such skills. Are they more evolved than others or is it a man-made, only time will tell. However a power thirsty villain believes they do not deserve their powers and he is destined to gather them all for himself and won’t stop at anything; gruesomely killing innocent people. In order to stop him, they must work together, but it isn’t as easy as it sounds, as they all have to face their own problems.

After having watched all the seasons I fell in love with 2 characters.

Syler- I am a “number one fan”.Syler is a serial killer, who captures others with powers and kills them in order to steal their powers. OMG what is wrong with you?? How can you like a serial killer? Well let me explain: he is the one “villain” in the movie that you know is bad but soo cool that you cannot help it but love the character! In my defence he also turns good at one point…that’s a good enough excuse right? ha ha.

Hiro-He is adorable, funny, cool, awesome and so on just absolutely amazing! He also has a sword so what is not to like about him? He is in a way like me(“sure he is Lillie… sure” :P ): he adores comic books, waffles, is very child-like and sweet, often exuberantly exclaiming with joy at the smallest things that make him happy. He is truly a likable character!

If I could chose a power I would pick Mika’s power. Why? Because who wouldn’t love to communicate with technology. You could do anything; nothing could stop you, as nearly everything in our world revolves around technology. All mighty Lillie!  Sadly it will never happen. L Ha ha ha

The first season was amazing! I absolutely loved it. It was witty, intricate, addictive, exciting and visually stunning. Watching the first season I had an impression that this was going to be an only release. It was an amazing work; it had a thought out ending and made me want to watch more and more. What I loved about the characters is that you can relate to them, you understand they are human and you grow to love/care for them. As you watch more you are drawn to learn and grow with the characters and their powers. The first season never lost its momentum and was exiting the whole way through.

Season 2 for me felt like the show tried to upscale itself, as in there was more at risk, with the company now being torn apart which leads the whole world being in danger, instead of just new York, which personally makes it feel less realistic due to the fact that this is not likely to happen. But overall it was okay, due to the fact I got to revisit the world of heroes and see the characters, although knowing that D.L died, was personally heart-breaking for me as he was a good character. My favourite story arc would be the when Hiro travels back and meets kensei due to how kensei turns out! My least favourite arc would be Maya’s arc due to the lack of chemistry between the brother and her, the only reason why I would say it was okay is because it brought Sylar back home!

Then season 3 it felt that they were focusing on 3 characters instead of whole international cast. The characters that were not interesting anymore were focused more than anything and became the source and solution to the problems. It also felt like the story was focused on “Petrellis and the Bennets” instead of “ordinary people across the globe”(what made the season 1 good).They failed to deliver diversity in the season.

Then season 4 they realised that the seasons were not as good as season 1 and they needed to do something about it. Well had they? They had definitely improved from season 3.The whole “saving the world” was set aside and the cast had to deal with the more personal problems which was a refreshing and a nice change. They soon became “normal” people having life and work. This allowed the characters to feel human again and more relatable. As Peter helped the strangers to survive “heroes” became actual heroes instead of fighting amongst “specials”. New characters were introduces and plot twists.  It was an overall improvement! 

I hope that “Heroes Rebirth” will be better than the previous seasons. A lot of the cast will not be in, which may or may not make it more enjoyable to watch the series. I am sad about Syler leaving, as he was my favourite character but I guess we all knew it will happen. However I am very happy that Hiro will be staying in the series. The trailer I have watched for “Heroes Rebirth” sure looked interesting, so I cannot wait!

Have you seen heroes?
What do you think about the tv series?
What power would you love to have?

Thank you for reading <3


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